Wednesday 24 June 2015

A Suitor for the Princess - Chapter 23

                   “Norman here! I’m the publisher of your stories in Yorkshire. Get it?”
                     Martha just hung up. Did she ever write stories? Funny! She didn’t recollect anything at all! Then she saw her book lying open with her pen by its side. She read the words on the page. After pondering for a while, the King said simply, “Go ahead! I want her here by tomorrow evening.” Myara immediately took leave and went home to prepare for her long and arduous journey. She was tense with excitement. She only hoped that the old lady hadn’t passed away!
                   Had she written those words? Were they a part of a story? She was scared and utterly confused. Who was Norman and why had he called her? Most importantly, why had he called her Darling? She shrugged as her head started paining. She then went into the bedroom and went off to sleep. Soundly. Until Myara woke her up. In her dream!
                     As Myara rushed towards Juan’s home, about 500 kilometers away, Norman sent a dear friend of his to check on Martha from thousands of miles away.
                      When Nancy refused to have breakfast the next day, pleading nausea and refused to talk to him properly, Norman knew that something was amiss. Not only in her health but also in her demeanor. “What’s troubling you Nancy? Please, could you tell me so that I can set things right? Feel free to tell me anything!” he said bluntly.
                          “Norman, I know this will sound silly to you. But I just can’t bear the thought of you being with another woman. Yes, I know that we’ve lived apart for nearly 3 decades, but I still care for you and was hoping to have you by my side till the very end. But now it looks like you’re missing her terribly and I’m just an impediment to you. I feel guilty about your presence here. I can feel that woman’s accusing eyes on me all my waking hours.”
                         “And last night when I heard you talking with her over the phone, I wished that I could die at once. I think this is more agonizing than my cancer. I, I feel that it will be the best for both of us, if you just leave me alone henceforth. I’ll manage all right. I’ll hire round-the-clock nurses from a bureau. Besides the fact that you care for someone else, I even feel guilty that you are being needlessly kept away from your demanding job. Your work must be piling. I don’t want to be so selfish. Please go away, go away,” she sobbed into her handkerchief.
                          Norman knew that much as he wanted, he couldn’t be so heartless and abandon her in such a sorry state. He decided to stay put and continue looking after her. He didn’t say anything to her just then and went out for a walk. He went and sat on an outcrop at the peak of a nearby hill. He took several deep breaths of the fresh mountain air and felt nice. He had decided to deliberately blot out all his current life from his mind and concentrate on his heartbeats only. Meditation came naturally to him.
                         Deep in meditation, Juan started jerking violently. As he opened his eyes, he felt as if someone was trying to jolt him out of his reverie. Only, he couldn’t see anyone who could have disturbed him. All the other seers, his brothers, were deep in meditation, almost in a trance. Not a leaf stirred even on the luscious trees around. The whole shrine was shrouded in pin-drop silence. But his heart thudded wildly. He felt restless. He felt very thirsty. He had to reach the spring or he would die! He got up from the bare floor noiselessly and made his way like a drunkard to the eternal spring of sweet water in that shrine. As he dipped his clay bowl in it, he felt even more restless. As he drank non-stop from his bowl, he could feel his heartbeats steadying. Yet his mind was restless. Something was disturbing him. He couldn’t fathom the reason behind his unease.
                              He looked guiltily at the silent seers with eyes closed in meditation and then at himself. He had broken an unspoken rule. Never leave a meditation session midway at any cost! He had been led astray for the first time since his earlier fumbling and bumbling years at the shrine. He who had prided himself on his self-discipline and resolve, had been led astray today by something as lowly and mortal as ‘thirst’. Shame on him! He hadn’t been able to overcome his ‘humanness’. How would he ever attain salvation? He should have been able to quell his desire for water. As he had quelled all his other wants and desires! His ears turned red as he blushed furiously. He quickly looked around. No, no one had noticed his turmoil. He made his way sheepishly and closed his eyes and concentrated on ‘The Master’ till his breathing turned steady. Then he felt the word Sara drumming in his head like a staccato. Even after the meditation session was over, that word was steadily playing over and over again in his head till he thought he’d go crazy.
                       He fell down at the feet of “The Master” and begged forgiveness. “Why do you ask for forgiveness, son?” the enlightened one asked him. “There’s nothing to forgive!”
                        “I’m being plagued by the word ‘Sara’. Though I don’t know what that means, it is making me very uneasy and restless. I can’t concentrate on anything today. Why is it so? Who or what is ‘Sara’?”
                       “Sara is everything. Everything is Sara. Go to sleep. You’ll be fine.” The master said cryptically and went back to his trance.
        Sleep eluded Juan as he kept mulling over what his Master had said.  “Sara means everything” and “Everything is Sara”.  What could it mean?  That Sara was the be all and end all of one’s existence?  If so, why did that word plague only him and not the others at the shrine?  Was he the chosen one, for some radical spiritual awakening?  Enlightenment?  He wasn’t quite satisfied with his reasoning.  Sara had to mean something to him personally.  Maybe something from his distant past?  Why couldn’t he remember? 

To be continued.... 

The copyright of this novel is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

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