Sunday 11 September 2022

No Mother-in-law, Please! - Chapter 25 - An Excerpt


          He sat on a chair beside her bed, and watched her pale, yet breathtakingly beautiful face. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing softly.

          A stray tendril of her dark hair hung over her smooth forehead. It made her fairness even more striking. He cautiously pushed it away towards her hairline. It slipped again and occupied its pride of place on her forehead. Amused, he thought, even her hair is as stubborn as her! I have quite a task ahead!

          His cell-phone rang loudly and he hastened to take the call. It was his mother. “Ritesh, where are you? We’ve been waiting for you since 7.30. Now it is 8.30. Don’t you want to have breakfast? We inquired with the receptionist who told us that he had seen you leaving the hotel, way past midnight. Are you now in your room or elsewhere? We are worried, dear!”

          Ritesh slapped his forehead. What an idiot he had been! He had totally forgotten to inform her about the midnight drama, in all the commotion.

                                                            End of excerpt 

 The copyright of this novel belongs to Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

You could read the full novel for free at Just login and enjoy your reading session! Do let the reviews flow! Thanks in anticipation. Priya

Also consider purchasing and reading my latest novel titled "My Life, My Way!" a suspenseful thriller, published at Amazon.

This novel is my entry for the Kindle Storyteller Contest, U.K., 2022

Kindly post a review at Amazon, from whichever market place of Amazon you actually buy it from; to help me get more readers for my book. Needless to say, more the reviews posted at Amazon, brighter the chances of my winning!

So I do need all your support. Thanks in eager anticipation, Priyaa

Available both, as an e-book and as a paperback!