Tuesday 14 June 2016

A Suitor for the Princess - Chapter 58

         Sensing her unasked question, Norman said, “Believe me Martha. I didn’t ask him to resign. He’s too valuable to lose! But now I think that it is for the best. Let’s go for dinner.”
          Resenting his casual words, she felt like declining and going home to weep her heart out. But she didn’t want to appear ungrateful to Norman. He was doing it for her. She felt like screaming that she wouldn’t ever faint on seeing John and that he shouldn’t be allowed to resign. But even she knew that that wasn’t in her hands. Life wasn’t so easy!
            Both of them went for dinner to a nearby restaurant, had forced conversation and he left her at her cottage. She felt like telling him about the stranger but didn’t. She couldn’t handle any more stress. Her heart was bursting with untold grief. She just wanted to be alone and wallow in self-pity and loathing. How she hated herself!
             Back in the safe sanctuary of her cottage, the first thing that she did was securely bolt and lock all the doors and windows. The burglar alarm was on and she didn’t have to worry at all. She was used to staying all by herself. Only, that intruder in her rear-view mirror had unnerved her. She decided that she wouldn’t open the door, at any cost. She dressed for the night in a comfortable pajama suit and made a cup of coffee to have and unwind. As she sipped it, she remembered that she had to phone John.
           She dialed his number with slightly trembling fingers and waited anxiously for him to pick it up. She had deliberately dialed from her landline number as he didn’t have it and hence wouldn’t be predisposed to ignore her call. He would obviously know why she had called him and would certainly refuse to talk to her, to avoid an argument. He cared for her and wouldn’t want to displease her or cause concern to her. After what seemed like an eternity, he picked up the phone and said “Hello” in that irresistibly male voice of his. How she loved that accent!
             When she didn’t reply, he repeated “Hello?” Then she said “Hello John. This is Martha here. “Oh, Mara,” she said softly and laughed hesitantly. She could feel the stiffness in his voice when he asked, “Why did you call me Mara? I wish you hadn’t.” She winced and felt the jibe stabbing her heart. “John, I hope that you aren’t blaming me for your resignation! I know that you wouldn’t have resigned had it not been for me! I can understand how hard it must have been for you, giving up a secure and much-loved job of nearly 2 decades for a lady who just swept into the office hardly three months ago and sucked you into her obsessed life. I am really, really sorry. In fact I feel wretched and guilty. You didn’t deserve such an ignominious exit. I ……” she trailed off, struggling to stop the hot tears that threatened to spill down from her eyes. Her throat was choked with gut-wrenching emotions.
            John seized the opportunity to say, “Oh, foolish Mara. I didn’t resign because of you. I have been contemplating the change for quite some time. You just acted as a catalyst for my decision to quit. In fact, I must thank you for the opportunity!”
           “I’m sure that you’re saying this just to make me feel better, John.” “No I really mean it Mara. I will be joining “Nora Publications” in New Delhi from this Monday. I’ll be visiting our office to obtain my reference certificate from Norman tomorrow. Let’s see whether I could drop in and say “Hello and Good Bye to everyone there””. Even as he said it, he felt miserable for lying because Norman had already mailed him his certificate and informed him about the same by a terse phone-call.
           Though Norman hadn’t actually worded it, the very fact that he had done everything so quickly meant that he hadn’t wanted him to visit the office even for a farewell. John wasn’t obtuse so he had got the point. His Boss didn’t want him seeing his fiancée even by chance! And here was his fiancée calling him up late in the night to inquire about his resignation! He hoped against hope that she felt the same about him as he felt about her. He was already missing her. He hoped that she missed him equally. Now he was sure about that after receiving her call. He felt better. Even ecstatic! But the thought that bugged him couldn’t be ignored. If she always fainted at his very sight, what hope could he have for a future together?   
       Without a second thought he said, “Mara, I miss you dear! I love you. But since you can’t stand the sight of me, literally, I think it is best that we part as good friends. We’ll definitely be in touch over the phone.”
       John, please could you postpone joining in your new office? I think that we must discuss our relationship face to face. I’ve a good idea. Why not meet in the presence of Dr. Benedict Hussey? Then there would be no cause to worry. Meanwhile I’ll train myself to halt my fainting fits on seeing you. John, I can’t even contemplate a life without you. I too love you with all my heart. You are my first love and hopefully my last too! Let’s give ourselves a chance dear!”
       John’s heart went out to her though he did have his reservations. Would it work? He’d just have to give it his best try and wait and watch. He was ready to wait for Martha for the rest of his life. He was so enamored by her.
      She took his silence as an affirmation and said happily, “So it’s decided then. I’ll call up the Doctor and fix an appointment for the earliest date. Please, please cancel your reservations if you have made them. Promise me.” The urgency in her sweet voice warmed him as he simply said, “Yes Ma’am. Good night,” and hung up. Life was going to be beautiful again!

To be continued.... 

The copyright of this novel is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.