Monday 15 August 2022

No Mother-in-law, Please! - Chapter 23 - An Excerpt



          As father and son led Ritesh to the sofa, she fled into the safety of the kitchen and started heating the milk in a pan. Her mind was racing furiously. That girl was impossible. Just what did she think of herself? Imagine quarreling with her fiancĂ©e just two days before the wedding! It was too much.

          She pitied Ritesh. She would have to din some sense into her adamant daughter’s head, that night. It was ‘do or die’ for her!

          “Yogi dear, come out and have coffee with all of us. After all, we have just 2 days left with you in this house. Afterwards you’ll have coffee with your new family members!” Yogita’s Mom wisely avoided mentioning the word ‘in-laws’ to avoid infuriating her belligerent daughter, even further.

          Knowing that her mother would continue to pester her to come out, Yogita yelled from inside, “You go ahead. I’m not coming out now. I’m trying to sleep. Please don’t disturb me.”

          Curbing her rising anger and frustration, her Mom put on a brave face and served steaming coffee to everyone in the living-room. She then apologized on behalf of Yogita.

          “Ritesh, Yogi is having one of her migraines again. She is trying to catch up on some sleep. The past few days have been hectic, as you know!”

          “Yes Aunty, I can understand,” said Ritesh, though he couldn’t avoid grimacing slightly. Then he broached the unpleasant subject.

                                                                     End of excerpt 

 The copyright of this novel belongs to Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

You could read the full novel for free at Just login and enjoy your reading session! Do let the reviews flow! Thanks in anticipation. Priya

Also consider purchasing and reading my latest novel titled "My Life, My Way!" a suspenseful thriller, published at Amazon. Its e-book is available for just GBP 0.99 at till 15th August, 2022 at a whopping discount of 80%

This novel is my entry for the Kindle Storyteller Contest, U.K., 2022

Kindly post a review at Amazon, from whichever market place of Amazon you actually buy it from; to help me get more readers for my book. Needless to say, more the reviews posted at Amazon, brighter the chances of my winning!

So I do need all your support. Thanks in eager anticipation, Priyaa

Available both, as an e-book and as a paperback!