Monday 18 May 2020

No Mother-in-law, Please! - Foreword

     One word that strikes unimaginable terror in a young bride’s heart is ‘mother-in-law’. It is not surprising, as a lady who is utmost loving and compassionate as a mother, often becomes a despicable ogre as soon as she becomes a mother-in-law!
     The reasons could be several, such as a difference in opinions, point-of-views, temperaments and attitudes; ego, one-upmanship, bias, prejudice, greed, jealousy and hatred.
     Often, life after marriage becomes a continuous tussle between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, with the husband/son sandwiched helplessly between the two warring ladies. Each lady tries to exert her control over the man and the household; and establish her supremacy.
     A lady, who has been tortured by her mother-in-law as a newly-wed bride, viciously and gleefully takes over the onerous mantle effortlessly, when she becomes a mother-in-law!
     No wonder then that many a young girl these days has a strict (often unspoken) rule when she decides to marry - ‘No mother-in-law, please!’ Obviously, she wants to live peacefully and happily with her husband, without the baggage of a nagging mother-in-law!
But there are always exceptions to the rule!

The copyright of this novel is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.