Thursday 23 October 2014

The Love-addict - Chapter 12

                      When Samaira woke up, it was 10 a.m. The first thing that crossed her mind was the thought about her handsome brother-in-law. Where was he? She looked around her. So she had slept alone, after all! Rohan had proved to be a tough nut to crack. But the toughest nuts cracked some time, sooner or later! She would pursue him and get his attention, one day, she vowed. The thrill was in the chase! Now she had a reason to live for. She immediately cheered up. Humming loudly, she completed her morning chores and emerged, fresh as a rose.
                      Even her maid was taken aback, by her resplendent beauty. Had her Bibiji and Rohan… Again the ugly thought reared in her head. No, no, it mustn’t be, she consoled herself. But why was she looking so happy and radiant? Everyday, she was grouchy and rude, in the mornings. Nirmala knew that Samaira had sleeping-pills daily, as she suffered from insomnia. Her Bibiji’s wild, erratic life-style frightened her. She cared for her, like her daughter and didn’t want anything untoward happening to her.
                      Trying to appear casual, Samaira asked, as she sat down at the dining-table for break-fast, “So when did Jiju leave?” “At 8.30 a.m. He asked me to thank you for your hospitality. He even gave me Rs. 100/- as bakshish. Nice man!” Samaira’s heart twisted as she thought bitterly, Yes, nice man! Too nice though! Playing goody-goody, though he was attracted to her! Well, two could play at the game. It would be interesting to see who won. She was sure that she would!
                      That day, Mahesh Kumar, Samarth Babu and the entire unit was nonplussed. They were wondering why Samaira looked so bewitching and cheerful. She was cracking jokes, laughing and teasing everyone around, and appeared relaxed, unlike her usual haughty, tantrum throwing self!
                     “Don’t I look silly in this costume? She asked, as her make-up artiste nodded vaguely, unsure of how to react. If he said yes, she would throw a fit and if he said no, she’d chide him for being a chamcha, a sycophant! But as she seemed to be in a very good mood today, he seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and bravely said, “Yes Madam, you should insist on another one!” He kept staring at her, as she threw back her pretty head and laughed heartily. What had come over her today, he thought.
                      She had worn an over-sized, tattered robe with flip-flops, for a scene where she was supposed to be in disguise. “No, Sanket, I will wear this one only! That means that this is the perfect disguise for me! She thought that that costume hid her curves well and made her look bloated and ugly. Her face had been made-up to look like a vagabond. Pock-marked and ugly!
                      She shuddered involuntarily and looked sad when Sanket showed her the mirror for a final look, before the scene was shot. She only hoped that she didn’t really end up looking like that, in her old age! Old age was too far away, but was sure to befall her. She wished that she had someone to look after her and care for her, then! Unwittingly, Rohan’s face flashed in front of her mind’s eye. Instantly her mood soared and she jauntily went to give a one-take shot.   

To be continued....

The copyright of this novel is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan. 

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