Saturday 16 July 2016

A Suitor for the Princess - Chapter 59

        Martha was very pleased with herself as she retired for the night. She slept very soundly. The next day as she was having her breakfast the phone rang. Thinking that it was John, she picked it up excitedly and was surprised to hear Dr. Hussey’s voice instead. ‘Think of the Devil’ she thought and said, “Hello Doctor. Good morning. I was going to call you today. How did you guess that I wanted to speak to you?” He replied evenly, “I was thinking about you since yesterday. I have come to a conclusion about your peculiar dilemma. I suggest that you finish your novel at the earliest to prevent your recurring nightmares and delusions. In fact, I want you to do it in my house, under my supervision, if you don’t mind! Thus I’ll be on hand to administer to you in case of any eventuality.”
        As she mulled over his unusual solution, she wondered whether she should tell him her version of what she wanted to do in his presence. Talk with John D’ Costa! Would he consider her suggestion foolish or would he consider it seriously. She had to tell him that as John would be banking on it!
        Cautiously, she said, ‘Well thanks Doctor. But I wanted to have your opinion on another more important matter. “I want to have a conversation with John D’ Costa in your presence so that you could actually see my reactions on seeing him and counsel me. It is imperative that I get over my hang-up over his physical resemblance to the hero of my novel. I, we have decided to give our fledgling romance a try,” she felt her cheeks flaming as she said that.
        Thoroughly disappointed that he was nowhere on Martha’s personal radar for a real relationship, the Doctor gulped silently and said, “Sure Martha. But only after you get that darned novel out of your system!” He knew that he was buying time but wasn’t prepared for her infectious enthusiasm. “Thanks so much Doctor, I will do as you say. When should I come over to your apartment for writing the remaining part of my novel? I propose to do it in a week’s time at one stretch. I’m sure that Norman will be convinced about this exercise if you could speak to him and arrange for my absence from work the next week.”
        Not happy with the way Martha had controlled the situation, Dr. Hussey could only say a reluctant “Yes.” He regretted his suggestion as things were moving too fast for his liking. If Martha had her way, she’d complete her novel, meet John at the clinic and get married to him, all in the space of a fortnight! She certainly seemed determined to have her way. He’d have to find a way out of that imbroglio. He had to ensure that she remained his and didn't belong to anyone else! Of course, he had the pawns in his hand. He had to only play his game well enough to declare “Check-mate” at the end. The Queen would be at his command! Martha was his Queen!
          Blissfully unaware of the turbulence in the Doctor’s mind, she happily wished him a nice day and ended the call. In a pleasant frame of mind she called John and briefed him about the conversation with the Doctor. Again she pleaded with him, “Please, have you cancelled your reservations as yet? Promise me that you’ll not leave for India right away?”
          Patiently he reminded her, “Martha you have the next week to finish your novel, don’t you? I’ll not be needed then. I suggest that I go and join my new job and come back the week after next. I cannot just wait around agonizing over you and my life. I need work to keep me constantly occupied. I hope you understand that. I promise that I’ll return after 8 days and call you. Meanwhile, we can keep in touch over the phone. Will that be O.K. with you?”
         She guessed that she had sounded selfish. Yes, she couldn’t expect him to just sit around at home twiddling his thumbs while she went about her job. That would be very unfair. Hence she acquiesced with a heavy heart. She had to go to Norman’s publishing house for two more days this week. She couldn’t wait enough for the weekend.
         The next day, Martha sat till late after office hours, completing editing of that voluminous tome that he had given her the previous day. Norman worked in his cabin and she in her department. Much to her relief, Norman hadn’t mentioned anything about the previous day’s conversation. He wanted to let sleeping dogs lie. After working till 9 p.m. Norman dropped into her department and was pleased when Martha told him wearily that her work on that manuscript was over.
         It had been decided earlier that day that the manuscript would be edited and changes recommended to the author, who if pliable, could revise it or the publishing house would publish it in exactly the same way as it then stood! They had to do it to keep the firm running as the author could turn to another publishing firm who would be only too pleased to publish that boring novel. Though Martha resented the inevitability of publishing it and Norman’s commercial stance, there was little that she could do about it. He knew better and she had long ago decided that she’d not interfere in his decisions.
          It only gave her one more reason to question her relationship with Norman. If she were to continue working with him even after their marriage, she’d have to reconcile herself to be relegated to the background in the face of such important decisions. She had a mind of her own and would certainly not take it lightly if her suggestions were never heeded to. She couldn’t even imagine such an unpleasant scenario. Could they ever remain really happy?
          Then she chided herself. Whom was she kidding? Was she really contemplating their marriage when her heart just yearned for John? She was really losing it!

To be continued.... 

The copyright of this novel is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

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