Thursday 10 December 2015

A Suitor for the Princess - Chapter 45

                       Though very affable, Norman could prove to be a formidable opponent. Besides, he didn’t want to seem ungrateful to his employer, to whom he owed a lot. It was Norman who had taken him under his wing, mentored him and trained him to become a thorough professional who now excelled in his job. It would be terribly unfair to steal his fiancĂ©e. He knew about Norman’s struggle to run his enterprise and manage his ex-wife Nancy’s distress. Yes, Norman was a kind person and deserved happiness after a long period of loneliness and celibacy. But didn’t he too deserve any happiness? thought John unhappily.
                         Then he consoled himself that whatever happened, happened for the best. Maybe it was good that Martha no longer worked with him in his department. It would’ve been agonizing working with her, especially since he had discovered that he loved her. Could he have refrained from watching her with loving eyes or longing…..? He sobered as the thought struck him that he wasn’t ever destined to be with his beloved for long. This time, the relationship hadn’t even begun before fate had tricked him again. Maybe he wasn’t lucky!
                          That night, Martha couldn’t stop thinking about both Norman and John. Both cared for her in their own ways. Norman was only following Dr. Hussey’s instructions for her ‘safety’ and well-being. She was sure that that idea had been his. John must have surely resented Norman’s decision but couldn’t go against his Boss. She could ‘feel’ his feelings. She was so attuned to him! Life wasn’t fair but one had to take chances. She made up her mind that she’d meet John the next day, by hook or crook, if he was in the office. To hell with Norman and caution! She laughed at the rhyming words.
                          Happy with her decision, she felt buoyed enough to consider continuing her novel. She deliberately ignored the warning bells in her head and the soft voice of Dr. Hussey that had cautioned her against that endeavor. She felt like a small girl defying her father’s strict instructions. Children loved to disobey their elders. Now she was one such child. She was gleeful.
                            She had to read the entire last chapter to get the hang of it again. She had to make Juan chose between the two leading ladies, Sara and Myara. Either she could make him a King, a disgruntled King who had been forced to live with his beloved forever or she could again make him a pauper, a poor peasant who would have to struggle for his existence along with his beloved Myara by his side. She paused to think about what she would have done if she had been in Juan’s unenviable shoes. She would’ve definitely chosen the life of penury and bliss with her beloved. The word John popped up in her mind’s eye and she forced herself to shrug it away, just then. She didn’t want to mix her real and make-believe world. John wasn’t a pauper and hadn’t professed his love for her, as yet. Then she put pen to paper.
                            The Queen, Sara’s mother gradually began to tell Sara about the travails that the brave Juan had undergone for her sake. Just because he had lost an eye in the task didn’t mean that she should spurn his love. He had suffered a lot and he deserved a good life thenceforth. It was only fair that she should resign herself to her fate, count her blessings on getting such a courageous and handsome suitor and marry him at the earliest. The King was growing weary with age and wanted to hand over the responsibility of ruling the Kingdom to a younger and capable person. Juan had passed his test with flying colors as he had displayed exemplary bravery and patience. In fact he had put his entire life at stake and even forsaken an eye for the task. Now they owed him a brand new life.  
                            Then one day, out of the blue, Sara acquiesced. It was more due to Myara’s convincing powers rather than her mother’s pleas. Myara had told Sara that Juan loved her dearly and would be utterly heart-broken if she spurned him and it would be terribly unfair to him. Sara had believed her and ashamed at her insistence on a handsome external appearance rather than a heart of gold, she had quietly promised Myara that she would marry Juan and give him all the happiness that he truly deserved. She felt that she owed him that much! Besides, she wanted her parents to be happy too and her father to be relieved of his huge responsibility of running the Kingdom. Above all, she had realized that it was this very person whom she had been pining for so long.
                        Though shattered, Myara had maintained a brave front and genuinely congratulated her and Juan’s mother. She didn’t meet Juan. She knew that she was guilty and couldn’t face Juan. She had betrayed his love just so that she could become a martyr. Thus even her good intentions had come across as obviously selfish. She had behaved like a coward while everyone in Regina had been commending her bravery. But only she would know that it had been one of the most difficult and punishing decisions of her life. Her life would always remain incomplete without Juan. The wound would always fester. Life-long.      
                         When the King sent for Juan, he was puzzled as he had been asked to remain out of sight, as the Princess couldn’t bear to see him. With great trepidation, he appeared before the King and was stunned to see him flanked by the beaming Queen and a shy Sara. He was surprised when she looked straight into his eye and smiled. He noticed that she was dressed in a resplendent purple gown, had braided her hair with pearls and looked radiant as a bride. What was up? He suddenly felt uneasy as the full impact of the scene hit him like a bolt of lightening. The Princess had obviously reconciled to marrying him in spite of his handicap. 

To be continued.... 

The copyright of this novel is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

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